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      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>ZingGrid Demo</title>
      <script nonce="undefined" src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/zinggrid.min.js"></script>
        body {
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          width: 100%;
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          height: 1.5rem;
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          padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
          text-align: center;
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        .eventlog__log {
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      <div class="demo-container">
        <div class="container container--controls container--shadow">
          <!-- caption controls -->
          <div class="container--size container--flex">
            <h3>Caption API&nbsp;Methods</h3>
            <div class="control__item">
              <button id="get-caption">Get Caption</button>
            <div class="control__item">
              <label for="set-caption">Set Caption</label>
              <input type="text" name="set-caption" id="set-caption">
            <div class="control__item">
              <button id="reset-grid">Reset Grid/Log</button>
        <div class="container container--flex">
          <h4>Live demo</h4>
          <!-- grid container -->
          <div class="container container--demo">
            <zing-grid class="container--shadow" id="myGrid" theme="default" caption="Meet The Doe Family" layout="row" data='[
                    "firstName": "John",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 45
                    "firstName": "Jane",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 44
                    "firstName": "John Jr.",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 15
                    "firstName": "Jane Jr.",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 13
          <!-- log container -->
          <div class="container container--log container--flex">
            <div class="eventlog container--shadow">
              <div class="eventlog__bar">
                <svg class="eventlog__minimize" width="54px" height="54px" viewBox="0 0 54 54" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
                  <g id="Desktop-(1400px)" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill-rule="evenodd">
                    <g id="Artboard" transform="translate(-2383.000000, -1404.000000)">
                      <g id="Group-3" transform="translate(2383.000000, 1404.000000)">
                        <circle id="Oval" cx="27" cy="27" r="27"></circle>
                        <g id="collapse-two-arrows-diagonal-symbol" transform="translate(13.000000, 13.000000)" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#FFFFFF">
                          <path d="M11.777317,16.2995357 L3.73773039,16.2995357 C3.24245588,16.2995357 2.8413366,16.6994009 2.8413366,17.1934915 C2.8413366,17.6866808 3.24245588,18.0873525 3.73773039,18.0873525 L9.67756536,18.0873525 L0,27.7361167 L1.26761275,29 L10.9351797,19.3601555 L10.9071275,25.2348716 C10.9071275,25.7280608 11.3082467,26.1287326 11.8035212,26.1287326 C12.2987958,26.1287326 12.699915,25.7289623 12.699915,25.2348716 L12.699915,17.1924952 C12.699915,16.9277529 12.5903595,16.7137767 12.4165016,16.5668874 C12.2526422,16.403772 12.0271814,16.2995357 11.777317,16.2995357 Z M25.2632173,10.9126 L19.3233824,10.9126 L29,1.26378845 L27.7323399,0 L18.0656732,9.63974962 L18.0937729,3.76503347 C18.0937729,3.27184426 17.6926536,2.87112506 17.1973791,2.87112506 C16.7021046,2.87112506 16.3009853,3.27094281 16.3009853,3.76503347 L16.3009853,11.8074099 C16.3009853,12.0721522 16.4105408,12.286081 16.583451,12.4320688 C16.7464101,12.597082 16.971018,12.7013183 17.2218301,12.7013183 L25.2613693,12.7013183 C25.7566438,12.7013183 26.1578105,12.3015006 26.1578105,11.8074099 C26.1586634,11.3133192 25.7575441,10.9126 25.2632173,10.9126 Z" id="Shape"></path>
                <span class="eventlog__title">Console</span>
              <pre class="eventlog__log"></pre>
      </div> <!-- end demo container -->
        ZingGrid.setLicense(['26ccbfec16b8be9ee98c7d57bee6e498']); // GLOBAL REFERENCES
        const zingGridRef = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
        const eventLogRef = document.querySelector('.eventlog__log');
        const resetGridRef = document.querySelector('#reset-grid');
        // caption section
        const getCaptionRef = document.querySelector('#get-caption');
        const setCaptionRef = document.querySelector('#set-caption');
         * @descrption clear current event log header and text
        const _clearEventLog = () => {
          if (eventLogRef) eventLogRef.innerHTML = '';
         * @description used as replace param in JSON.stringify
        function censor(key, value) {
          if (typeof(value) == "object") {
            return undefined;
          return value;
         * @description format data to be displayed in the event box
         * @param {*} logData - data to log on the screen
         * @param {String} [header] - text to define what is being shown
        const _logCustomEvent = (logData, code) => {
          if (eventLogRef) {
            if (code) {
              eventLogRef.innerHTML += `${code}`;
            if (logData) {
              var stringify = JSON.stringify(logData, censor, 2);
              if (stringify) {
                eventLogRef.innerHTML += stringify;
              } else {
                eventLogRef.innerHTML += '{{' + logData + '}}';
         * @description resets grid to default and clears log
        const _resetGrid = () => {
          var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.control__item input[type="text"]');
          for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
            inputs[i].value = '';
          if (zingGridRef) {
            zingGridRef.setCaption('Meet The Doe Family');
         * @description get the current pageSize
        const _getCaption = () => {
          if (zingGridRef) _logCustomEvent(zingGridRef.getCaption(), '>>> myGrid.getCaption();\n\n');
         * @description set the grid caption value
         * @params {Event} e - native browser 'change' event
        const _setCaption = (e) => {
          const mCaptionValue = e.target.value;
          if (zingGridRef) zingGridRef.setCaption(mCaptionValue);
          _logCustomEvent(null, '>>> myGrid.setCaption("' + mCaptionValue + '");')
        // assign event listeners for inputs
        // -----------------------------------
        if (resetGridRef) resetGridRef.addEventListener('click', _resetGrid);
        // caption events
        if (setCaptionRef) setCaptionRef.addEventListener('keyup', _setCaption);
        if (getCaptionRef) getCaptionRef.addEventListener('click', _getCaption);
        // minimize event for console
        const _minimizeLog = () => {
          var consoleLog = document.querySelector('.eventlog');
          var consoleStyle = window.getComputedStyle(consoleLog, null);
          if (consoleStyle['minHeight'] === '0px') {
            consoleLog.style.height = '100%';
            consoleLog.style.minHeight = '175px';
          } else {
            consoleLog.style.height = '2rem';
            consoleLog.style.minHeight = '0px';
        const consoleMinimize = document.querySelector('.eventlog__minimize');
        if (consoleMinimize) consoleMinimize.addEventListener('click', _minimizeLog);
    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>ZingGrid Demo</title>
      <script src="https://cdn.zinggrid.com/zinggrid.min.js"></script>
      <div class="demo-container">
        <div class="container container--controls container--shadow">
          <!-- caption controls -->
          <div class="container--size container--flex">
            <h3>Caption API&nbsp;Methods</h3>
            <div class="control__item">
              <button id="get-caption">Get Caption</button>
            <div class="control__item">
              <label for="set-caption">Set Caption</label>
              <input type="text" name="set-caption" id="set-caption">
            <div class="control__item">
              <button id="reset-grid">Reset Grid/Log</button>
        <div class="container container--flex">
          <h4>Live demo</h4>
          <!-- grid container -->
          <div class="container container--demo">
            <zing-grid class="container--shadow" id="myGrid" theme="default" caption="Meet The Doe Family" layout="row" data='[
                    "firstName": "John",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 45
                    "firstName": "Jane",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 44
                    "firstName": "John Jr.",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 15
                    "firstName": "Jane Jr.",
                    "lastName": "Doe",
                    "age": 13
          <!-- log container -->
          <div class="container container--log container--flex">
            <div class="eventlog container--shadow">
              <div class="eventlog__bar">
                <svg class="eventlog__minimize" width="54px" height="54px" viewBox="0 0 54 54" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
                  <g id="Desktop-(1400px)" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" fill-rule="evenodd">
                    <g id="Artboard" transform="translate(-2383.000000, -1404.000000)">
                      <g id="Group-3" transform="translate(2383.000000, 1404.000000)">
                        <circle id="Oval" cx="27" cy="27" r="27"></circle>
                        <g id="collapse-two-arrows-diagonal-symbol" transform="translate(13.000000, 13.000000)" fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="#FFFFFF">
                          <path d="M11.777317,16.2995357 L3.73773039,16.2995357 C3.24245588,16.2995357 2.8413366,16.6994009 2.8413366,17.1934915 C2.8413366,17.6866808 3.24245588,18.0873525 3.73773039,18.0873525 L9.67756536,18.0873525 L0,27.7361167 L1.26761275,29 L10.9351797,19.3601555 L10.9071275,25.2348716 C10.9071275,25.7280608 11.3082467,26.1287326 11.8035212,26.1287326 C12.2987958,26.1287326 12.699915,25.7289623 12.699915,25.2348716 L12.699915,17.1924952 C12.699915,16.9277529 12.5903595,16.7137767 12.4165016,16.5668874 C12.2526422,16.403772 12.0271814,16.2995357 11.777317,16.2995357 Z M25.2632173,10.9126 L19.3233824,10.9126 L29,1.26378845 L27.7323399,0 L18.0656732,9.63974962 L18.0937729,3.76503347 C18.0937729,3.27184426 17.6926536,2.87112506 17.1973791,2.87112506 C16.7021046,2.87112506 16.3009853,3.27094281 16.3009853,3.76503347 L16.3009853,11.8074099 C16.3009853,12.0721522 16.4105408,12.286081 16.583451,12.4320688 C16.7464101,12.597082 16.971018,12.7013183 17.2218301,12.7013183 L25.2613693,12.7013183 C25.7566438,12.7013183 26.1578105,12.3015006 26.1578105,11.8074099 C26.1586634,11.3133192 25.7575441,10.9126 25.2632173,10.9126 Z" id="Shape"></path>
                <span class="eventlog__title">Console</span>
              <pre class="eventlog__log"></pre>
      </div> <!-- end demo container -->
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      padding: 1rem;
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      fill: #00394B;
      font-size: 0.5rem;
      height: 1.2rem;
      line-height: 1.2rem;
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      height: 2.25rem;
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      padding: 0 0.75rem;
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    const zingGridRef = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
    const eventLogRef = document.querySelector('.eventlog__log');
    const resetGridRef = document.querySelector('#reset-grid');
    // caption section
    const getCaptionRef = document.querySelector('#get-caption');
    const setCaptionRef = document.querySelector('#set-caption');
     * @descrption clear current event log header and text
    const _clearEventLog = () => {
      if (eventLogRef) eventLogRef.innerHTML = '';
     * @description used as replace param in JSON.stringify
    function censor(key, value) {
      if (typeof(value) == "object") {
        return undefined;
      return value;
     * @description format data to be displayed in the event box
     * @param {*} logData - data to log on the screen
     * @param {String} [header] - text to define what is being shown
    const _logCustomEvent = (logData, code) => {
      if (eventLogRef) {
        if (code) {
          eventLogRef.innerHTML += `${code}`;
        if (logData) {
          var stringify = JSON.stringify(logData, censor, 2);
          if (stringify) {
            eventLogRef.innerHTML += stringify;
          } else {
            eventLogRef.innerHTML += '{{' + logData + '}}';
     * @description resets grid to default and clears log
    const _resetGrid = () => {
      var inputs = document.querySelectorAll('.control__item input[type="text"]');
      for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
        inputs[i].value = '';
      if (zingGridRef) {
        zingGridRef.setCaption('Meet The Doe Family');
     * @description get the current pageSize
    const _getCaption = () => {
      if (zingGridRef) _logCustomEvent(zingGridRef.getCaption(), '>>> myGrid.getCaption();\n\n');
     * @description set the grid caption value
     * @params {Event} e - native browser 'change' event
    const _setCaption = (e) => {
      const mCaptionValue = e.target.value;
      if (zingGridRef) zingGridRef.setCaption(mCaptionValue);
      _logCustomEvent(null, '>>> myGrid.setCaption("' + mCaptionValue + '");')
    // assign event listeners for inputs
    // -----------------------------------
    if (resetGridRef) resetGridRef.addEventListener('click', _resetGrid);
    // caption events
    if (setCaptionRef) setCaptionRef.addEventListener('keyup', _setCaption);
    if (getCaptionRef) getCaptionRef.addEventListener('click', _getCaption);
    // minimize event for console
    const _minimizeLog = () => {
      var consoleLog = document.querySelector('.eventlog');
      var consoleStyle = window.getComputedStyle(consoleLog, null);
      if (consoleStyle['minHeight'] === '0px') {
        consoleLog.style.height = '100%';
        consoleLog.style.minHeight = '175px';
      } else {
        consoleLog.style.height = '2rem';
        consoleLog.style.minHeight = '0px';
    const consoleMinimize = document.querySelector('.eventlog__minimize');
    if (consoleMinimize) consoleMinimize.addEventListener('click', _minimizeLog);