<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ZingSoft Demo</title> <script nonce="undefined" src="https://cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart.min.js"></script> <style> html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .chart--container { min-height: 150px; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .zc-ref { display: none; } </style> </head> <body> <!-- CHART CONTAINER --> <div id="myChart" class="chart--container"> <a class="zc-ref" href="https://www.zingchart.com/">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> <script> ZC.LICENSE = ["569d52cefae586f634c54f86dc99e6a9", "b55b025e438fa8a98e32482b5f768ff5"]; let chartConfig = { graphset: [{ type: 'pie', title: { text: 'Earnings Insights<br>Corporate Overview', align: 'right', fontColor: '#616161' }, legend: { text: '%t<br>', borderWidth: '0px', header: { text: 'Business Units', align: 'right', bold: true, fontColor: '#616161', fontSize: '13px' }, item: { align: 'right', padding: '10px', borderRadius: '3px', fontColor: '#fff', width: '115px' }, itemOff: { alpha: 0.7, fontColor: '#616161', lineWidth: '2px', textAlpha: 1, textDecoration: 'line-through' }, markerOff: { alpha: 0.2 }, toggleAction: 'remove', verticalAlign: 'middle', width: '140px' }, plot: { valueBox: { decimals: 2 }, animation: { effect: 'ANIMATION_EXPAND_VERTICAL', method: 'ANIMATION_BACK_EASE_OUT', onLegendToggle: false, sequence: 'ANIMATION_BY_PLOT' }, decimals: 0, detach: false, refAngle: 270, thousandsSeparator: ',' }, scale: { sizeFactor: 0.75 }, tooltip: { text: '%t<br>$%v', align: 'right', bold: true, borderRadius: '3px', fontColor: '#fff', offsetR: 10, placement: 'node:out', width: '110px' }, series: [{ text: 'Operating System', values: [119968796], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_purp.txt', target: 'graph', tooltip: { backgroundColor: '#4527A0' }, backgroundColor: '#4527A0', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#4527A0' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#4527A0', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Network and Tools', values: [97503958], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_blue.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#1565C0', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#1565C0' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#1565C0', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Business Division', values: [85948575], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_red.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#AD1457', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#AD1457' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#AD1457', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Online Services', values: [62096876], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_green.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#00695C', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#00695C' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#00695C', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Entertainment', values: [40467564], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_orange.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#EF6C00', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#EF6C00' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#EF6C00', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' } ] }], history: { borderColor: '#616161', borderRadius: '2px', borderWidth: '3px', item: { text: 'Some Text', backgroundColor: '#616161', borderColor: '#616161', fontColor: 'red', fontSize: '10px' }, itemOff: { backgroundColor: '#dcdcdc', borderColor: '#6161663', size: '3px', width: '3px', height: '3px' }, width: '45px', height: '30px', y: '20px' } }; zingchart.render({ id: 'myChart', data: chartConfig, height: '100%', cacheControl: '' }); </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>ZingSoft Demo</title> <script src="https://cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- CHART CONTAINER --> <div id="myChart" class="chart--container"> <a class="zc-ref" href="https://www.zingchart.com/">Powered by ZingChart</a> </div> </body> </html>
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let chartConfig = { graphset: [{ type: 'pie', title: { text: 'Earnings Insights<br>Corporate Overview', align: 'right', fontColor: '#616161' }, legend: { text: '%t<br>', borderWidth: '0px', header: { text: 'Business Units', align: 'right', bold: true, fontColor: '#616161', fontSize: '13px' }, item: { align: 'right', padding: '10px', borderRadius: '3px', fontColor: '#fff', width: '115px' }, itemOff: { alpha: 0.7, fontColor: '#616161', lineWidth: '2px', textAlpha: 1, textDecoration: 'line-through' }, markerOff: { alpha: 0.2 }, toggleAction: 'remove', verticalAlign: 'middle', width: '140px' }, plot: { valueBox: { decimals: 2 }, animation: { effect: 'ANIMATION_EXPAND_VERTICAL', method: 'ANIMATION_BACK_EASE_OUT', onLegendToggle: false, sequence: 'ANIMATION_BY_PLOT' }, decimals: 0, detach: false, refAngle: 270, thousandsSeparator: ',' }, scale: { sizeFactor: 0.75 }, tooltip: { text: '%t<br>$%v', align: 'right', bold: true, borderRadius: '3px', fontColor: '#fff', offsetR: 10, placement: 'node:out', width: '110px' }, series: [{ text: 'Operating System', values: [119968796], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_purp.txt', target: 'graph', tooltip: { backgroundColor: '#4527A0' }, backgroundColor: '#4527A0', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#4527A0' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#4527A0', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Network and Tools', values: [97503958], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_blue.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#1565C0', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#1565C0' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#1565C0', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Business Division', values: [85948575], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_red.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#AD1457', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#AD1457' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#AD1457', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Online Services', values: [62096876], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_green.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#00695C', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#00695C' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#00695C', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' }, { text: 'Entertainment', values: [40467564], url: '//cdn.zingchart.com/resources/XUWNNU55_pie_level2_orange.txt', target: 'graph', backgroundColor: '#EF6C00', legendItem: { backgroundColor: '#EF6C00' }, legendMarker: { type: 'circle', backgroundColor: '#fff', borderColor: '#EF6C00', borderWidth: '4px', size: '7px' }, legendText: '%t<br><b>$%v</b>' } ] }], history: { borderColor: '#616161', borderRadius: '2px', borderWidth: '3px', item: { text: 'Some Text', backgroundColor: '#616161', borderColor: '#616161', fontColor: 'red', fontSize: '10px' }, itemOff: { backgroundColor: '#dcdcdc', borderColor: '#6161663', size: '3px', width: '3px', height: '3px' }, width: '45px', height: '30px', y: '20px' } }; zingchart.render({ id: 'myChart', data: chartConfig, height: '100%', cacheControl: '' });